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Why I don’t use color psychology in branding

As a luxury branding expert working with experienced female entrepreneurs, I’ve come to realize that certain conventional methods, like color psychology, simply don’t cut it when aiming to build a world-class brand. In this article, I’ll explain why I don’t rely on color psychology for branding and why you shouldn’t either. Instead, I’ll highlight the importance of creating a holistic brand experience that resonates deeply with your audience.

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The limitations of color psychology

Oversimplification of brand identity

Using color psychology to dictate your entire branding strategy is akin to painting by numbers. It’s a simplistic approach that fails to capture the complexities and nuances of your brand. For instance, the idea that using blue will automatically generate trust, or that pink is the go-to color for a female audience, is reductive. Your brand deserves more thoughtful consideration than what these broad-stroke assumptions can offer.

Lack of uniqueness

If we base our branding on color psychology, we risk falling into the trap of sameness. At NxT Branding, we strive to create brands that stand out, not blend in. Adopting the same color palettes as 90% of other branding studios is not only uninspired but also fails to reflect the unique personality of your brand. Your brand should be a vibe, an experience, not just a design conforming to a generic color code.

Homogeneity across industries

One of the most glaring issues with color psychology is the homogeneity it fosters within industries. Just take a quick look at business consulting firms. You’ll find a sea of blue (for trust and security) and red (for energy and action). This lack of diversity in color choices makes it difficult for any brand to stand out in a crowded market. Such uniformity is, quite frankly, boring and does a disservice to the uniqueness of your business.

Cultural differences in color perception

When aiming to turn your business into an international brand, the reliance on color psychology can be a significant hindrance. Colors carry different meanings across various cultures. For example, while red symbolizes love and passion in many Western countries, it signifies happiness, luck, and success in China, and purity in India. Basing your brand’s identity on color psychology could create confusion and misalignment in global markets.


The importance of a holistic brand experience

Creating an emotional connection

A successful brand strategy goes beyond the superficial use of colors. It’s about creating an emotional connection with your audience. This connection is built through storytelling, consistent messaging, and a deep understanding of your brand’s core values and mission. Your brand should evoke feelings and memories, creating a lasting impression that colors alone cannot achieve.

Reflecting your brand personality

Your brand’s personality should shine through every aspect of its identity, from the logo and typography to the tone of voice and customer interactions. Colors can play a role, but they should be chosen to complement and enhance the brand personality, not define it. At NxT, we focus on creating a cohesive brand experience that reflects who you are and what you stand for.

Innovating beyond colors

Innovation in branding means thinking beyond the obvious. While color psychology can provide a starting point, it should never be the endpoint. We look at trends, market research, and customer insights to create a brand identity that is forward-thinking and resonates with modern consumers. This involves experimenting with textures, patterns, imagery, and interactive elements that together create a rich, immersive brand experience.

Consistency in brand presentation

Consistency is key in building a strong brand. However, this doesn’t mean sticking rigidly to a color scheme derived from psychology. Instead, it’s about maintaining a consistent look and feel across all touchpoints, ensuring that every interaction a customer has with your brand is aligned with your brand values and personality. This creates a cohesive and memorable brand experience that stands the test of time.

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Moving beyond color psychology

Embracing a comprehensive brand strategy

Brand strategy encompasses much more than just colors. It includes your brand’s vision, mission, values, positioning, and the unique value proposition you offer to your customers. A comprehensive brand strategy integrates these elements into a coherent whole, ensuring that your brand is perceived as authentic, trustworthy, and unique.

Developing a visual language

Rather than relying solely on colors, develop a visual language that includes a variety of elements like shapes, fonts, icons, and imagery. This visual language should be flexible enough to evolve with your brand while remaining instantly recognizable to your audience. It should tell a story that resonates on a deeper level, beyond the superficiality of color meanings.

Prioritizing customer experience

Ultimately, the success of your brand hinges on the customer experience. Every interaction, whether online or offline, should reinforce your brand identity and values. This includes your website design, social media presence, packaging, and customer service. A positive, consistent customer experience builds loyalty and turns customers into brand advocates.

Leveraging multi-sensory branding

Consider incorporating multi-sensory elements into your branding strategy. This can include not just visuals, but also sound, touch, taste, and even scent. Multi-sensory branding creates a richer, more engaging experience that can leave a lasting impression on your customers. It’s about creating a full sensory journey that aligns with your brand’s story and values.



Color psychology is a dated and oversimplified approach to branding. In today’s competitive market, your brand needs to be more than a set of colors that supposedly evoke certain emotions. It needs to be a holistic, immersive experience that truly reflects your brand’s personality and values. By focusing on creating an emotional connection, maintaining consistency, and innovating beyond colors, you can build a brand that stands out and resonates deeply with your audience.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and continue this conversation! Come chat with me in my Instagram DM @nxt_branding and let’s discuss how we can elevate your brand to new heights!

À très vite,
