The Call

The Call

The “boost” call

A 120-minute, 1:1 call to get answers to your branding questions as well as learn simple actions to take right away.

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expert, for you


call in 1:1 (2h)


video call


action plan

Tailor-made answers to all your questions about…

Your brand identity,

▸ Your brand image (your website, your next photoshoot, your social networks, etc.),

Your message and storytelling,

Your Personal Branding and CEO Branding,

Your marketing (positioning, offers, etc.),

▸ Your communication,

▸  Your customer experience.


Topics from

my last calls…

“I’d like to assert my positioning as an expert with a new brand identity, but I don’t know where to start!”

“I think my branding is far away from the high-end positioning I’m trying to reach. Am I right? If so, how can I make my brand image evolve in the right way?”

“I want to significantly increase the prices of my future offers. How do I boost my image to align my brand to this new positioning?”

“I’d love to have a personal signature that harmoniously combines my brand’s softness and the strength of character it needs to make a difference on my market. How do I get that?”

“I’d like to assert my positioning as an expert with a new brand identity, but I don’t know where to start!”

“I just changed my brand name. I am becoming familiar with its energy and its positioning, but I still haven’t determined yet how to bring this new brand to life. Any tips?”

“I don’t like social networks but I feel like I should get into them. I need precise guidance for my company. Where should I publish? With what tone? Etc.”

“How can my branding support my business’s repositioning in order to target a higher-end audience?”

the call french elegance nxt branding


What they think about it…

temoignage 1 the call

“Fantastic! Thank you, Amandine! It was a great meeting! So many ideas! Thank you!”

temoignage 2 the call

“Hi, Amandine. This message is to thank you for our call yesterday. I already made so many changes on my website thanks to your suggestions. More consistency and clarity during navigation now. […] Thank you for everything! See you soon.”