
Your 360° luxury brand strategy


Our work together

[STEP 1] Your exclusive brand strategy

A 360°-branding guide that contains your company’s story, share its philosophy and clarifies the “do’s” and “don’ts”.
+/- 110 pages covering:

‣ Your brand’s foundation (creation, legacy,  company’s history, mission, vision, values, philosophy, ethics, ambitions, positioning, USP, expertise, …).
‣ Your brand’s personality (visual and sensorial identity, brand tone, iconography, …).
‣ Your business’s editorial line (brand’s core expression, editorial pillars, tone, occurrence, topics, content’s types, layouts for each network, …).

[STEP 2] Your “haute couture” visual identity

A stunning brand universe to fit with the luxury standards of your business. The essence and the vibe of your “next level” brand.

‣ A primary logo
‣ A secondary logo
‣ A favicon
‣ A color palette
‣ 3 fonts (2 premium fonts and 1 Google font)
‣ All the social media templates your business needs (Instagram feed, YouTube cover, LinkedIn banners, etc.)
‣ 70+ copyright-free pictures
‣ Business cards design
‣ Letterhead paper design
‣ Thank you cards design
‣ A mood board
‣ A brand board
‣ A brand style guide (+/- 30 pages)
‣ +/- 12 1:1 work sessions together.
‣ Unlimited WhatsApp support during the contract to ask any questions related to your branding, positioning, visual identity, etc.
‣ 30 days of unlimited WhatsApp support following the service to help you implement your new brand identity

Timeline: +/- 16 weeks
Investment: from 14 000€
Funding: payment plans available

Only a few clients each quarter.

Brand Guide

What is a brand guide?

‣ It’s your “brand Bible”. It compiles all the informations you and your team need to manage and work on your brand,

‣ It coherently reveals your brand’s depth to the world,

‣ It lays the foundations of your brand’s strategy.

guillemets camel

Your brand is a gateway to your true work

Dave Buck



is perfect for you if…

‣ You are creating a new brand “from scratch” or you are fully rebranding your current brand. You want to do it in a professional way and you want to establish deep brand’s foundations.

‣ Your company has expanded quickly, and you need to secure your brand’s consistency while working with new partners, providers, or employees: you want to compile and frame your brand identity in an official document.

‣ Many people are currently working on your brand (a webmaster, a social media manager, a designer, etc.) and they all need a guiding document to speak with one and only voice : that of your brand.


His words…

Photo Hugo Bienvenu Portfolio

“For many years, I was looking for someone able to help me find the words to lay my company’s foundations and reach the great vision I wanted to embody. Well, there are copywriters, but I was looking for way much more. I needed a space to channel all my positioning and my business’s essence!

 As a spiritual coach, I created my company in 2015. I was not able to find the correct words to explain everything I do and what I can offer. I was called to embody something, but I didn’t succeed in fully understanding what that should be.

This lack of clarity led me to sabotage myself with an unclear positioning, creating unaligned offers or communication strategies that were far away from my great vision. 

When I met Amandine, I knew she was the one who could help. Legend allowed me to lay my business’s foundation and capture the essence of what I wanted to embody. It’s much more than being able to just “think and write” what you want. Amandine is here to question you, to adjust and sublimate each word, each phrase, each notion, each idea.

The space Amandine created with Legend was, for me, a space of transformation. I was called to work on my own foundations, my positioning and my own posture! Legend initiated a powerful work of realignment, of alchemy, of transition to the next level of embodiment and materialization.

At the end of this project, I now feel fully seen and understood. I especially see ME. I finally fully see this company I’ve visualized for many years. I feel fully supported by this brand guide. It allows me to reveal to my audience, to my clients, everything I can offer them. And to do this, I now have the right words, and this helps me keep my company aligned with its positioning.

Even though I created my company seven years ago, Legend allowed a real rebirth, in accordance with everything I am today and everything I feel called to embody in the future.”

Hugo Bienvenu